Monday, April 30, 2012

Understanding (Poem)

How many people for the rest of my life
Will truly understand me and what I'm about?
How many people will get what I think about life
And what I hate about it
And what I love about it?
Maybe you don't get everything, but some of the things
For some of the time
Is a compromise I'm willing to settle on.
They don't understand me
And sometimes you don't either
But I will settle for laughter
And mutual admiration
For a unique world view
If not exactly the same
Then differently the same
In that we are different
And they don't get us.
You understand at least
That no one else understands
And I thank you for that
And wish that others could
Understand for a moment at least
That beauty has value
And that little things do mean a lot
And that we're right there
If only for a moment
We are there together
And the world seems to make sense for that brief moment of time.

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