Saturday, January 21, 2012

Platonic Valentine (poem)

A lot of things went right with you

The things that didn't were all me.

That's what I want to tell you

That it's all me. It's not your fault.

You were so kind to me

When you could have laughed

You listened to me, even when I didn't make sense.

You listened to me after, when it wasn't you and me.

I didn't realize how good a person you were, until it wasn't you and me.

I may think I'm smart, but you knew how smart I wasn't.

At least in the ways that you were;

Your world view and acceptance of the complex problem that is me never ceased to amaze me.

I saw you get hurt after me, but I knew I had never hurt you like that and that I never could.

I thought I was so smart and that I could explain everything to you;

I thought the world was full of logical problems that could be solved.

How little I knew and how much I've learned.

I still see things you would have liked and almost buy them for you,

but then remember we're not together anymore.

Make no mistake, I do not pine for you

I know it worked out for the better, the best even

I know you are happy and this makes me so too

The incredible occurrence of meeting you was not the innocent coincidence it seemed at first.

This is my platonic valentine to the miracle of your friendship and a heartfelt dedication to your kindness.

I Hope It Happens Again (Poem)

I know I probably didn't mean a lot to you

I know you've probably forgotten me by now

I know your life is probably fine

And mine pretty much is too.

On nights like tonight

When I'm by myself and it's raining outside

I think of you and our time together.

I know it's odd, 'cause it wasn't very long

I know it's strange I still think of you;

You weren't mine then and you never were

I still think of your kindness to me

You bought me dinner and laughed at my French

We shared our drawings; We walked together

It just doesn't make sense that I still think of you sometimes.

I've seen you since that day, talked a little even

I didn't think you would remember who I was or seek me out

I was just a random person you had met

But we did talk of things that people who just met sometimes don't talk about

It's just words, but it wasn't to me

I wondered why you told me some of these things.

I may never see you again

Would I even know you if I did?

It seems so long ago

And maybe it was

But I still remember your face sometimes, but then it's not there

It's better to remember it for the serendipitous event it was

And just hope it happens with someone else again.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sometimes I Remember

You may have hurt me; This much is true.

You were in the wrong; that much is clear.

I still miss you; I know it's sad.

I read you my poetry; I know it was bad.

You didn't laugh (too hard), so I was overjoyed.

Though you broke my heart, I shouldn't have tried

To hurt you, too, though I was just hurt more

Trying to hurt you, I was glad to be bad at it.

Being a spiteful person was something I didn't relish or enjoy.

I'm not proud of being the seeker of revenge.

I truly wish you well, but it still hurts you see;

I thought I was past it, but it still lingers with me.

The pain I felt did not dull quickly

It slowly went away, but not too swiftly.

I've been happy since and lived a good life.

I've not sought discord and I've been good to friends.

I've loved since you, been hurt since then

I wish I could forget you

But sometimes I remember.