Monday, April 2, 2012

Musical Breaking (Poem)

I hear that song and I think of you again
Do you think of me when you hear it, too?
It seems unlikely, but hope springs eternal for me.

And when you hear that song, do you think of when you sang it for me?
Or let me hear it, whispering it in my ear
As if it was you who wrote it, and you might as well have.

Do you hear the song and get happy and sad all at once?
Do you remember what it felt like to laugh together?
But someone else makes you laugh now.

Do you remember when I sang for you?
Do you remember how much I like to sing?
Do I even cross your mind at all anymore?

I can't lie awake wondering about the answers.
I shouldn't be concerned that I may never know.
There is music still to be made and heard for me.

Maybe her song when I meet her will be as sweet.
Maybe all of your songs will start to make me ache a little less.
Though maybe the music helps me realize that I even loved at all.

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