Monday, April 30, 2012

Can Let Go (Poem)

Well I think I may have finally
Learned how to forget you
When it was pointed out to me
That you might not be the one for me
That I only knew you for a short space of time
And maybe I didn't know you that well.

I will move on tonight
I will endeavor to forget
But it doesn't seem any less special
To admit that it wasn't meant to be
And that you are not meant for me
And I'm not meant for you.

The heartache I thought I may have felt
May have been an illusion
A sentimental thing
That I held on to for too long
A phantom thing that blows away with the wind
And doesn't come back.

So, it doesn't really hurt you see
Though maybe I thought it did
Logic it seems has saved me for once
With its rigid adherence to reality
And its true face of sobriety
A wake up call to sanity.

I face tomorrow and stop looking for you
Because you don't exist
Except as the romantic ideal that I held of you then
And the romanticized past
That I've learned to let go
And forget you as easily as a yesterday.

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