Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What I Was Afraid to Say (Poem)

I gave myself to you,
Fully and completely it seems,
Or else I wanted to.
I wanted to be lost,
I wanted to dive completely into a shallow pool,
Do what I wasn’t supposed to,
What didn’t make sense.
Afraid to write what I feel,
Afraid to say, “I love you,”
Because did I really?
Could I really?
Does it matter
If it felt real to me?
Is a simulated emotion less than a real one?
What I tried to say in verse, or couldn’t,
Was that I loved you, as best I understood how,
As best as my heart knew how,
As much or as little as I wanted to,
And I wanted to.
I wanted to believe
Believe you were the person I wanted you to be:
A reader
A beauty
An introspective soulmate.
You were all of those things and more
Or less; I don’t remember which.
I tried to tell my poem
All the disappointment I held
That you were not meant for me.
That poems would not be written about us
That lines would not form any symmetry between us
But maybe they did in another world.
I felt a love, a passion, that did not exist for you,
But seemed to for me.
I don’t care who realized it wouldn’t work between us
Say it’s you because it’s probably true.
I do remember you
And that time I loved you
It seems yesterday
But it might be now
At least a facsimile of an emotion, but no less real
For feeling that way
That way I remember now
That love I created yesterday
Lingers as the memory of today and the longing of tomorrow.

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