Monday, April 1, 2013

Moving Time (Poem)

I'm playing catch-up with NaPoWriMo. The first prompt is to take the first line of a poem and make your own poem. I am taking the line of a poem I read recently by Charles Bukowski "a smile to remember" from the collection The Pleasures of the Damned.

we had goldfish and they circled around and around
that seemed to be all they did
were they really happy doing that?
how many people circle a place, really?
just staying in the same city, the same town, the same country
stuck in a rut and not knowing how to get out?
I feel trapped at times
by life, by circumstance, by fear
not wanting to move for fear
afraid that things would be different
that things would change if I moved
feeling a comfort for life that's brought on by complacent mediocrity
if it's true that wherever you go there you are
then maybe I should leave for leaving's sake
And find an absence of fear that's been here all along

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