Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Series of Unlikely Explanations (Poem)

There’s a whole twitter account devoted to tweeting Iain-M-Banks-like names for spaceships. So your challenge for today is to write a poem with a title drawn from one of these spaceship names. Feel free to pick a genuine Banks, like the ones listed above, or to take one from the twitter. And if you think of your own Banks-like spaceship name title, feel free to use that! The poet Barbara Guest wrote an essay warning poets about starting from the title, but while I’ve found that a wonderful poem usually finds its right title, I’ve also found that the right title can easily lead to a wonderful poem!-from NaPoWriMo blog. 

A Series of Unlikely Explanations

It seems unlikely that we two should have met
And even more so that we would have got along.
But really it might not be as unlikely as all that
'Cause I like pretty girls (and eccentric ones it seems)
And you are some of that and all of those things.

So perhaps the series of events in my world and yours
That lead to us meeting are not so absurd.
Maybe the stars aligned in a certain way
Bringing us both here in this place today.

Or maybe the world is a series of random events.
Maybe there's no rhyme or reason to this poem or life.
Maybe we all just rot in the ground after death
And our meeting means nothing, too.

But I'd like to think that the former possibility is true.
But it doesn't really matter though; it just matters what we do.
So let's enjoy each other's company and forget all the stars.
You are my favorite unlikely explanation by far.

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