Sunday, January 13, 2013

Reflections of Desired Solitude (Blog)

 I sit here on the couch, studying for school, just having listened to her confess, hearing the boarder in the other room, sounding like he's dying, coughing his head off. I can't escape the sounds of other people living here. I come in my room, and I can almost hear everything my Dad and his other friend and boarder are saying. I realize I have it good, but I'd like some solitude.
My dad plans his life financially around his friends living here. He buys as many lottery tickets as he wants. Buys whatever else he wants, because he has extra money, because the other people who live here pay most of his bills. Sure, they are slaves to his emotional will and are pretty much obligated to hang out with him; I kind of think that's why he keeps them around. My dad doesn't keep friends; they don't put up with the way he treats them unless they have to. He expects his friends to be a certain way. You want to tell him that nobody's perfect including himself and to get over it.
I know my friends aren't perfect. They don't approve of everything I do, or don't do; don't approve of the women I have crushes on or pine over. There aren't really that many of them, no matter what you say. Still, now, at 11pm I hear the sounds of someone moving in the other room. I think I'd just like to live on my own a while, or with people I chose to, anyway. This being stuck with a crew of my dad's cronies is becoming tiresome.
My dad lets me live here, pays for things for me, too, I realize. I just need a place that I can make a life that doesn't involve him as much. It's okay for him to be in my life, but I'm surrounded by him, by his friends, by the people he lets leach off him. The cougher I mention is not that bad; I'd almost say he was being taken advantage of more than he was a user. He pays way too much rent to live in a converted den. That's his business, though he does keep it like a pig sty. I went in there before, and there was literally a pile of trash on the bed. No exaggeration: a pile of actual trash on the bed. And his grooming habits leave something to be desired. Once or twice a week he showers, if we're lucky. 
Now the rain falls outside, hitting the window, and I start to get a little peace it seems. I've slept a lot int the middle of the day, and I may not sleep tonight. Snacking on individual packets of cookies, Pringles, Hawaiian Punch bottles. It's not a bad life I know, but I want more. I want to have a car and drive and take a girl to the movies, or better yet a bookstore or museum, not just shenanigans in the back of her friend's car. (Fun though that was.) 
I want to have my own place and be able to invite people over without having to worry about one of the boarders here walking around without a shirt on in just his boxers, chatting up the woman who's spending the night. Or having the cougher drool openly to see an attractive women half his age in the house. I want to be able to entertain on a Saturday night, or have the Super Bowl at my house and not worry about everyone here smoking and not being able to invite friends over who don't. 
Sitting here just short of midnight, reading literary theory. This is what I signed up for, and it's delightful. I really do think I want to go to graduate school. It's a bad reason if it's just because I like school, but maybe it will further my career. Some people say it won't, but how can it hurt. I just need to get the money together and apply and get the right tests taken. I know I'm smart enough and hard-working enough to do it.
Drinking Dr. Peppers, too, in vast quantities, to stay awake, and because they taste good. One of my first girlfriends liked them, too. She still talks to me, sweet girl that she is, sends me a text of "Happy New year" every year, when I have a phone. 

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