Saturday, June 30, 2012

A little better

Reading three books in three days and starting on a fourth the fourth day, but slept mostly today.

Trying to avoid thinking about things in life, trying to get lost in the words.

Some of the books help a bit with the life thing, but they serve to remind that there are things to be solved.

Not problems, really, I don't really want to call them that, but things that need a solution

Or that I want there to be a solution to.

Maybe there are no solutions to some things, and they are just how they are.

Things only have the power you give them, whether it is a broken heart or a broken sword.

I read that in a comic book sometime about a decade ago. I've read a lot of those.

The books I read now, or at least in the last few days, have been "book" books, though.

They take a little longer to read than comic books. I can read a 22-page comic in 2 to 8 minutes, depending on the story.

You can take your time and enjoy it, and I do, but once you've read a few hundred of them, you're able to even process the information in a comic book at breakneck speed.

I tried to count the number of comic books I had read in my lifetime before. It's definitely in the hundreds and may even be in the thousands.

After I read, or after I watch a movie, those things I don't want to think about are still there. Even when I write sometimes, those issues are still there.

I'm not sure I can call them issues, but things I'm thinking about, things that even now are on the edge of my mind, but I don't want to think about.

My life is only what I've made it right now, but I'm going to make it different.

I certainly can't say that it's bad, but there are things I am going to change.

The world wasn't created overnight, though, and neither will my life be changed in a day.

There are things I can change, though, and now.

Attitude is one thing a person can change, though I've always had a great one of those.

I think I am generally happy, but there are things that have happened lately that I let make me less so.

Notice I didn't say the things that happened made me less happy, because I control that.

It's a fallacy to let yourself become upset, but humans having fallacies is what makes them human.

I don't strive for perfection; I only want to make myself a little better.

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